At present, an estimated 22 million people move to Africa’s cities each year. By 2050, the urban population in Africa will be over 1.3 billion, or nearly as much as the entire population of the continent today.
With a few simple (though not easy) fixes, I think Nigeria’s economy could get back on track next year, and even boom…
Investors are spooked, and passing up top-performing, high-quality businesses in Africa
A quick note from Lagos, where I’ve just set foot for the first time to search for some great value investments. I’ve scheduled a week of meetings with listed company managements and boots on the ground research.
Since I moved to Tanzania in 2020, I’ve come to realize my simple morning routine – dropping my daughter at school before 7am, picking up the newspapers, walking back to one of my favourite cafes and perusing each of them cover to cover – puts me a step ahead of my competitors. They are based many thousands of miles away in different time-zones, and don’t have boots on the ground.
Often, I’m even ahead of the local brokers here in figuring out what the important news of the day is. This can be very lucrative…