Global Value Hunter

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Tim Staermose, Value Investor

Picking the best low-hanging fruit where few others look --- for cents on the dollar

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About Tim

I’m a full-time investor and investment writer.  I grew up all over the world, in Tanzania, Denmark, Egypt, Singapore and Australia – where I completed my higher education.  I have an unorthodox background.  And it shapes my approach to investing and life.

My readers appreciate this, and often comment that I bring them a valuable alternative perspective they can’t get anywhere else. Read more…

Tim Staermose in front of Ocean Rd Hospital in Dar es Salaam
Dar es Salaam, in front of Ocean Road Hospital (today a Cancer hospital) where I was born.

"The secret to happiness is having something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to.”

-- Rita Mae Brown

Good rules to live by. Grateful to have all three.

Sovereign Man

Former Chief Investment Strategist

ST Funds Management Ltd

Major shareholder & Investment Advisor

Sovereign Man

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